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celebrating diversity

Diverse management boosts revenue by 19% & around 70% of diverse companies are better positioned to capture new markets

Companies ranking in the top quartile of executive-board diversity were 35% likelier to financially outperform the industry average

Recent research concludes more inclusive teams make better decisions 87% of the time



Diversity brings creativity, job satisfaction and positive change.   


As recruiters we have both worked alongside people from wildly different backgrounds - whether it is age, country of origin, social backgrounds or previous career paths.  It's sounds like a cliche but variety really is the spice of life and we have personally witnessed more enriched and fulfilled workforces where there is greater diversity. 


Equality & Inclusion is vital 


It's easy to think a balanced workforce ends with diversity but in order for it to work it needs to be embodied with equality and inclusion. Enhance Talent realise the importance of inclusive workplaces where everybody should feel included, accepted and equal.  It is about welcoming people that are different from ourselves and making them feel included and part of a team.  

Young Man

Diversity isn’t just about gender and race, it’s also about diversity of mindset and belief systems.  


We understand that true workforce diversity is about a true mix of people from different backgrounds in relation to neuro-diversity, age, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, beliefs, race, disabilities and ableism and socio-economic backgrounds.   


Creating a more diverse workplace isn't just the right thing to do ethically, it is also a great business decision as research has proven. 


Research shows that working with people who are different from you may challenge your brain to overcome its normal ways of thinking and sharpen its performance.  Employing people from different backgrounds means there will be an increase in creative and innovative ideas and strategies. 


For information about our diversity policy and how we work, get in contact with us below.


BEST TALENT -  Greater success in recruiting and retaining talent as you access a wider talent pool.


JOB SATISFACTION & PRODUCTIVITY -  Employees with greater engagement in their work 


INNOVATION & INGENUITY -  Significant increases in creativity and innovation - as diversity brings a broader range of ideas.


INFORMED DECISION MAKING - More balanced decision making from different perspectives


BETTER CUSTOMER UNDERSTANDING - Increased synergy with  a diverse client or customer base  


POSITIVE EMPLOYER BRANDING - Ensures companies have a better reputation for being ethical and more 'forward-thinking' in their approach


IMPROVED FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE - A combination of innovation, productivity and employee retention will undoubtedly lead to increased profits


Want to add these benefits to your team?  Contact us below

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During such a difficult time Lizzie has given me confidence and hope! Having Lizzie on my side, putting me forward for relevant roles and constantly keeping me in the loop was so helpful and comforting!

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